KA210 - “An awareness A person”
Projeto Nr: 2022-2-HR01-KA210-SCH000094365
Início do projeto: 30/08/2023 Duração do projeto: 18 meses / Fim do projeto: 28/02/2025
Com este projeto pretendemos promover uma abordagem global do ensino e da aprendizagem das línguas, combater as desigualdades na aprendizagem, o abandono escolar precoce e a baixa proficiência em competências básicas, apoiar os professores, os diretores das escolas, o ensino e a aprendizagem de línguas estrangeiras e desenvolver as aptidões e competências digitais.
Em todos os países cuja língua materna não é o Inglês, a incapacidade de trabalhar a língua através da cultura dificulta o processo de ensino/aprendizagem. Para além disso, os sentimentos e pensamentos que queremos exprimir na língua alvo exigem o ensino de estruturas socioculturais, para além do ensino das regras da língua. Há muitos estudos académicos que afirmam que o ensino da cultura da língua alvo no ensino de uma língua estrangeira permitirá ao aluno aprender melho
r e adquirir uma visão do mundo que passou pelo filtro dos valores universais
O público-alvo do projeto são os alunos que estudam e os professores
que trabalham nas escolas.
(Croácia, Portugal, Roménia e Turquia)
Professora responsável: Marinha Fernandes
Docente Responsável: Marinha Fernandes
KA122-SCH "Know The Land, Preserve Life”
Projeto Nr: 2023-1-PT01-KA122-SCH-000149407
Início do projeto: 01/06/2023
Duração do projeto: 18 meses
Fim do projeto: 30/11/2024
Com a implementação deste projeto, pretendemos incrementar e consolidar atividades relacionadas
com as Ciências Experimentais, a Cidadania e com o programa nacional das Eco Escolas. É nosso
propósito também abrir um novo caminho que possa estabelecer laços entre o Mundo e os nossos
estudantes, proporcionamos-lhes, uma interação bem fundamentada e genuína com culturas
diferentes de cada um deles. Tencionamos, desta forma, partilhar e enriquecer o conhecimento,
reforçar a compreensão das questões globais, melhorar a capacidade de argumentação, e ainda,
proporcionar a construção de relações de amizade que permitam a partilha de saberes, culturas e
tradições, de modo a que cada um dos intervenientes seja agente bem informado e ativo na
construção de um Mundo mais sustentável e promotor da biodiversidade.
Com o desenvolvimento deste projeto, a Escola beneficiará de oportunidades de
renovação/validação de práticas pedagógicas, bem como de novas aprendizagens em contexto
colaborativo e intercultural.
Numa perspetiva mais prática, esperamos alcançar/realizar:
→ Uma horta produtiva e bem organizada fruto de um trabalho colaborativo entre comunidade
educativa, as instituições oficiais e os nossos parceiros;
→ Uma população escolar que reconheça as vantagens do cultivo da terra para sustentabilidade;
→ Alunos como futuros agentes ativos na dinamização de hortas urbanas;
→ Alunos sensibilizados e predispostos para a construção de pequenas hortas;
→ Concretização de projetos com escolas parceiras através de uma cooperação ativa de partilha de
boas práticas, de técnicas promotoras de agricultura biológica e conhecimentos.
Os participantes serão selecionados por:
→ Motivação pessoal em desenvolver e/ou aprofundar competências pedagógicas na área temática
do projeto;
→ Revelar espírito para trabalhar em equipa;
→ Demonstrar disponibilidade para acompanhar o projeto em todas as suas fases;
→ Revelar espírito europeu.
Docente Responsável: Marinha Fernandes
We’d better shape up! (2020-2023)
O projeto tem como objetivo fundamental procurar e desenvolver formas inovadoras de promover estilos de vida mais saudáveis e estratégias para que os participantes e, em último recurso, toda a comunidade escolar, adquiram maior conhecimento, resiliência e competências necessárias aos desafios da vida, quer ao nível local, quer ao nível nacional e europeu.
A parceria visa encorajar todos os participantes do projeto a desenvolverem o seu pensamento, comunicação e competências de liderança, assim como a literacia digital ao explorar/trabalhar as áreas relacionadas com a saúde mental, emocional e física. Este trabalho colaborativo procura integrar uma abordagem holística, de forma a ajudar as escolas participantes a abordar os problemas de Saúde e bem-estar. Todos os participantes do projeto têm a oportunidade de discutir as questões físicas, psicológicas, emocionais e sociais de suas/nossas vidas. A parceria promove o trabalho em equipa, a importância da tomada de decisões e seu impacto no projeto. As atividades propostas por e para cada escola envolvida, desafiam os participantes a descobrir o que cada escola tem a oferecer, por forma a explorar, debater, sugerir e criar opções que conduzam a estilos de vida saudáveis e ativos, organizando estratégias significativas e eficazes para uma mudança de hábitos de vida mais positivos.
Até à data, foram já organizadas várias atividades, destacando-se, numa primeira abordagem, a criação, votação e escolha do logotipo do projeto fomentando, assim, o trabalho colaborativo. Por outro lado, foi possível também celebrar o Dia da Europa, com a presença da eurodeputada Liliana Rodrigues, assinalando a dimensão europeia do projeto.
A Docente Responsável: Sónia Rodrigues
We Eat Healthily We Live Happily
Contrato N.º 2019-1-PT01-KA229-060739_1
Erasmus + Project – 2019/2020 – 2020/2021
A sedentary lifestyle, poor or unhealthy eating habits, and lack of physical exercise among schoolchildren represent a troubling problem that arose mainly because in recent years the technology lead children into the home. This, doubled by the fact that parents are now too busy to pay attention to their children’s eating habits, has increased the number of obesity cases among children. In addition to causing several physical disabilities, technology addictions and affecting them psychologically, being overweight increases, the risk of a person developing various illnesses and has a negative psychological impact.
- To decrease the number of consumers of fast food in the target group by at least 50% after the 2 project years;
- To raise the awareness of at least 70% of participants about the principles of healthy eating;
- To increase physical activity to a minimum of 1 hour per day for 60% of students in the TG;
- to improve communication skills, interpersonal skills and self-confidence in a European environment of at least 65% of participants;
- To exchange ideas and practices with other European schools in order for teachers to produce one brochure for students and parents and one brochure for schools;
- To develop the knowledge about the diversity of European sports and cultures of at least 70% participants.
Coordinator Organisation:
- Agrupamento de Escolas Alberto Sampaio (Portugal)
Partner Organisations:
- Petrol Ofisi Ilkokulu (Turkey);
- Istituto Omicomprensivo “Ridolfi- Zimarino” (Italy);
- 3o Gymnasio Larisas (Greece).
Docente Responsável: Cláudia Sousa
GLOW - Guarding Life Of Water
Contrato N.º 2020-1-PT01-KA229-078770_1
Erasmus + Project – 2020/2021 – 2021/2022
“Water is life, without water life doesn’t exist” seems such a plain expression we sometimes turn to. However, there is a powerful message lurking in that sentence. Both the earth and the body are made up of water, so this scientific fact witnesses the relevance of water for life. Unfortunately, often we take this for granted. Each country in this project can boast a strong and unique bond with the element of water in the different accumulation of it we can happen to come upon such as sea, rivers, lakes or even streams. Five schools from five different European countries have found a common ground in their consistent and heartfelt environmental awareness. They can testify to a long tradition of initiatives and choices that try to benefit our earth, attempting to be mindful and taking care of the natural environment around us focusing increasing attention on water bodies. Keeping the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development in view, this project has the undeniable value to spread and cultivate environmental awareness. In this ecological, “green” framework this project aims at pupils actively building their new knowledge and meanings through experiences, experiments, and real problem-solving activities. Students will play the true, leading role in all the learning initiatives and tasks with emphasis on increasing their self-confidence and motivation. Learning being a social activity pupil will carry out their activities and will live each outdoor or indoor experience being together, interacting with one another. Pupils will get the invaluable opportunity of sharing and negotiating all the subjects and issues they will come upon during their learning path. All the teachers commit themselves to undertake and to promote a large variety of new student-centred teaching methods and techniques, a hands-on approach and practical and interactive outdoor activities. Innovative technology having a significant impact on education, every school will promote and foster the use of digital devices so as to engage their students and to make tasks more challenging and funny.
O1 Perform tasks of a diversified nature;
O2 Mobilize knowledge and competences of various disciplines, in an articulated way;
O3 Create rules allowing the student to elaborate and make decisions;
O4 Motivate the development of the initiative, agility and self-confidence of the students;
O5 Active participation of the student in the project activities and in the construction of their own knowledge;
O6 Understand that life is ensured by vital functions and that its diversity depends on interactions they establish with the environment;
O7 Understand that the action of the human being has repercussions on the environment and living beings, including in itself;
O8 Develop problem-solving strategies;
O9 Promote a process of environmental awareness and change of values, attitudes and behaviours towards the environment;
010 Prepare students for the exercise of conscious citizenship, and informed in the face of current environmental problems;
O11 Valuing the geographical and environmental context of the region where the school is located, contributing to its conservation and comparing the results with the other countries.
O12 Contribute to the development of autonomy and creativity;
O13 Develop projects at international level, promoting moments of interculturality;
O14 Compare the different realities (regarding the use of water) of our students with the collaborating countries.
O15 Know and use some digital pedagogical tools;
O16 Allows the teacher to identify (diagnose) some errors of learning, attitudes and difficulties of students.
O17 Improve the use of English language to communicate with people who speak a different language
Coordinator Organisation:
- Agrupamento de Escolas Alberto Sampaio (Portugal)
Partner Organisations:
- Kartal Bilim ve Sanat Merkezi (Turkey);
- Escola El Temple (Spain)
- Opshtinsko osnovno uchilishte Kocho Racin Kumanovo (Republic of North Macedonia)
- Istituto Comprensivo Marassi (Italy)
Docente Responsável: Cláudia Sousa
We Follow @Science
Contrato N.º 2020-1-TR01-KA229-094355_3
Erasmus + Project – 2020/2021 – 2021/2022
Whit this Project is aimed to develop key competences with communication-oriented practices in a foreign language and Mathematics-Science digital literacy to 21st century learners through EU 2020 strategies. Strategic partnerships have been established from Italy, Latvia, Greece, Portugal and Turkey for the change of good practices. As a result of due diligence with partners, it has been detected that Those who have disadvantages from different perspectives; They have low interest in mathematics and science, low motivation for school and learning, and spend an average of 4 hours a day on the screen unproductively. Furthermore, the results have been reached that teachers do not prefer teaching through play, project-based teaching methods, and they generally prefer the method of straight narration as behaviour, even though they do not adopt it as an opinion. In the solution of these problems that negatively affect education and training activities in schools focused on the activities that form solid bridges between theoretical knowledge and practice.
With the project, primary school teachers use the practices about the problem-based Science, Technology, Science and Mathematics education-oriented teaching. To find solutions to real world problems with interdisciplinary approaches by acquiring 21st century skills such as creativity and problem solving, to understand the relationship of these disciplines with daily life. It is aimed to transfer their experiences to their students.
In addition to this result, it is thought that it is difficult for individuals who spend unproductive time in the digital environment, develop a negative perspective towards Science and Mathematics lessons, and have dyscalculia (mathematics learning difficulty) to adapt to school culture at all ages.
- To apply dynamic teaching methods inside and outside of the classroom
- Reading for comprehensive learning;
- Developing ICT, digital skills and language skills in teachers and students;
- To use technology to improve the competencies in the fields of Science, Mathematics and Language and increase interest;
- To enable students to learn by exploring with critical thinking and problem solving skills;
- To collaborate at an international level between schools, to meet teachers and students from different cultures and to increase motivation for long learning;
- Combining daily life activities with new practices;
- Contributing to the formation of a dynamic school climate;
- Strengthening teachers’ professional profiles;
- Decrease students’ prejudices against Mathematics, Science and Foreign Language;
- To build solid bridges between the theory and application levels of good and new practices in Europe on this subject;
- With other institutions (such as institutions, organizations, NGOs, parents / education associations)
- To increase intercultural dialogue;
- Living learning by enriching existing school environments with different methods, techniques and materials transforming into their environment;
- Scientific thinking skills from a young age, researching, questioning, observation and measurement;
- To raise individuals who can do, classify, associate what they learn with daily life;
- To give teachers a new perspective.
Coordinator Organisation:
- Sultangazi Istiklal Ilkokulu (Turkey)
Partner Organisations:
- Agrupamento de Escolas Alberto Sampaio (Portugal)
- Balvi Primary School (Latvia)
- Istituto Comprensivo San Giovanni Bosco (Italy)
Docente Responsável: Cláudia Sousa